Break through building innovation through partnerships

Break through building innovation through partnerships

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A world-first was achieved in 2016 when FormFlow successfully commercialised a metal forming process to bend corrugated iron sheet around a 90 degree corner. With this achievement, an Australian owned and manufactured product has the potential to revolutionise the design and construction industry. 

Based in Geelong, FormFlow co-founder Dr Matt Dingles knew developing this bend technology would come with significant engineering and academic challenges to avoid the stretching or crushing of the corrugated sheet. By engaging in local partnerships with an engineering company - Austeng and Deakin University, an industrial scale machine was developed to bend commercial grade corrugated sheets. Since then, Formflow has licenced the C90 bend to Bluescope and it is now sold as CUSTOMFLOWTM, combining iconic Lysaght Custom Orb with FormFlow C90 corners.

Another key partnership has been with Orrcon Steel being more than just a supplier of steel products. Nick believes the greatest contribution has been the trusting relationship developed with the Orrcon Steel branch in Geelong.  “We’ve been extremely happy with the service that we’ve received from the team at Orrcon Steel, (they’ve) been absolutely sensational in reducing the burden of manufacturing and making it as easy as possible to use BlueScope Steel and Orrcon Steel products in our buildings. “

Nick Bernard - FormFlow’s Director of Commercial Partnerships, said “You need to rely on your collaborations with others in order to produce outcomes that you’re seeking. When you’re seeking to drive innovation forward and not be put off by the dangers that may lie along that road, having a supplier you can rely on is essential” 

Prof Matthias Weiss - Senior Research Fellow at Deakin University, believes that this structural piece that FormFlow have developed could “revolutionise how we make houses in the future.”  The bend technology provides a continuous corner that allows for seamless joins between walls and roofing. This not only provides an elegant finished look, but may also help deliver energy efficiency, maintenance, safety and installation benefits and can also improve fire resistance capabilities of a structure in some applications.

Eighty percent of buildings in Australia are burned down from ember attack.* Embers can enter gaps as small as 1.8 millimetres, making the gaps between corrugated sheet and a flashing vulnerable. 


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The FormFlow bend with its gapless technology, reduces the likelihood of that because it creates an improved seal around the corners of a building. When combining CUSTOMFLOWTM with TrueCore steel framing and a steel shell made from Orrcon Steel tube and Hot Rolled Section, you have a much less combustible building. FormFlow is working on a range of pre-fabricated modular building systems to leverage the combination of these technologies to achieve BAL-FZ rated beautiful, functional and affordable bushfire rebuild.

Andrew Curtis Orrcon Steel Geelong Branch Manager said “Orrcon Steel looks forward to working with FormFlow as they continue on their company mission to create beautiful, sustainable and affordable housing. With the development of this new product it enables so much possibility for housing in bush environments”.

Nick Bernard said “Over the last 12 months, I've managed the bulk of the procurement of materials for the house manufacturing operation. I can undoubtedly say that Orrcon have been the single best customer focused organization that I've dealt with in terms of helping us along that pathway”.

To find out how Orrcon Steel can help with your steel needs, contact your Account Manager or call 13 STEEL.  



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