Activfire Scheme

All Orrcon Steel products for the fire protection market have ActivFire® Scheme approval and are listed under the register of fire protection equipment.
ACTIVFIRE® Scheme is your assurance that our products have met the stringent requirements of CSIRO’s accreditation process.

All products are deemed to comply with the following standards:

  • AS 2419.1 - Fire Hydrant Instalations
  • AS 4118.2.1 - Fire Sprinkler Systems - Piping - General
  • AS 1074 - Steel tubes and tubulars for ordinary services

It includes the following objectives:

  • To verify the conformity (compliance) of equipment through physical testing and appraisal to relevant and endorsed standards and specifications (reference criteria).
  • To verify and recognise approvals and certifications by other national and International bodies.
  • To provide an effective and transparent mechanism for appraisal, testing, certification and listing of emerging and new technologies in the field of active fire protection equipment and systems.
  • To provide reference documentation and information which supports the various building regulation and authority requirements for “evidence of suitability” for equipment used in building construction.
  • To maintain a continuing process that provides means by which the conformity of changes to products can be submitted and verified.
  • To maintain a Register of Fire Protection Equipment to publicly list and promote products which meet established reference criteria for listing.

Procedures and mechanisms for monitoring compliance and performance can vary. Listed products are identified in the Register of Fire Protection Equipment.
This resource exists primarily as an on-line database accessed through the website

Product Designation ACTIVFIRE® Scheme Approval Listing Number
ORRFIRE® SMARTCOTE® Painted Red Extra Light pipe AFP 1641
ORRFIRE® SMARTCOTE® Painted Red  Light pipe AFP 1510
ORRFIRE® SMARTCOTE® Painted Red  Medium pipe AFP 1511
ORRFIRE® ALLGAL® Zinc Coated Extra Light pipe AFP 1640
ORRFIRE® ALLGAL® Zinc Coated Light pipe AFP 1508
ORRFIRE® ALLGAL® Zinc Coated Medium pipe AFP 1509

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